Command Design Pattern.
Command Design pattern is used to decouple Sender and Receiver.
Sender is totally unaware of Receiver's interface and Receiver is unaware of Sender.
Sender and Receiver communicates using command.
Sender is totally unaware of Receiver's interface and Receiver is unaware of Sender.
Sender and Receiver communicates using command.
Command Design Pattern Example In Java.
abstract class Receiver{ public abstract void append(String data); public abstract String getContent(); public abstract void copy(String copyData); public abstract void paste(); public abstract void cut(int startIndex, int endIndex); public abstract void setContent(String content); public abstract String getName(); }
class Notepad extends Receiver{ private StringBuilder content; private String copyData; public Notepad(String init) { content = new StringBuilder(init); } public void append(String data){ content.append(data); } public String getContent() { return content.toString(); } public void copy(String copyData){ this.copyData = copyData; } public void paste(){ content.append(copyData); } public void cut(int startIndex, int endIndex){ content = content.delete(startIndex, endIndex); } public void setContent(String content) { this.content = new StringBuilder(content); } public String getName() { return "Notepad"; } }
class Wordpad extends Receiver{ private StringBuilder content; private String copyData; public Wordpad(String init) { content = new StringBuilder(init); } public void append(String data){ content.append(data); } public String getContent() { return content.toString(); } public void copy(String copyData){ this.copyData = copyData; } public void paste(){ content.append(copyData); } public void cut(int startIndex, int endIndex){ content = content.delete(startIndex, endIndex); } public void setContent(String content) { this.content = new StringBuilder(content); } public String getName() { return "Wordpad"; } }
interface Command{ public void execute(); public void redo(); }
interface Undo{ public void undo(); }
class CopyCommand implements Command{ private String copiedData = ""; public CopyCommand(String copiedData) { this.copiedData=copiedData; } public void execute() { System.out.println("Successfully copied: "+copiedData); } public void redo() { execute(); } public String getCopiedData() { return copiedData; } }
class PasteCommand implements Command, Undo{ private Receiver receiver=null; private String contentToPaste=""; private String previousContent=""; public PasteCommand(Receiver receiver, String contentToPaste) { this.receiver=receiver; this.contentToPaste=contentToPaste; } public void execute() { previousContent = receiver.getContent(); receiver.copy(contentToPaste); receiver.paste(); System.out.println("Data Pasted successfully in "+ receiver.getName() +" new content is : "+receiver.getContent()); } public void undo() { receiver.setContent(previousContent); System.out.println("Done undoing and receiver "+ receiver.getName() +" data is : "+receiver.getContent()); } public void redo() { execute(); } }
class CutCommand implements Command, Undo{ private Receiver receiver=null; private String previousContent=null; private int startIndex=0; private int endIndex=0; public CutCommand(Receiver receiver, int startIndex, int endIndex) { this.receiver = receiver; this.startIndex = startIndex; this.endIndex = endIndex; } public void execute() { previousContent = receiver.getContent(); receiver.cut(startIndex, endIndex); System.out.println("Data Cut successfully in "+ receiver.getName() +" new content is : "+receiver.getContent()); } public void undo() { receiver.setContent(previousContent); System.out.println("Done undoing and receiver "+ receiver.getName() +" data is : "+receiver.getContent()); } public void redo() { execute(); } }
class CommandManager{ private Stack<Command> redoCommandStack = null; private Stack<Command> undoCommandStack = null; public CommandManager() { undoCommandStack = new Stack<Command>(); redoCommandStack = new Stack<Command>(); } public void setCommand(Command command) { undoCommandStack.add(command); } public void execute(){ undoCommandStack.peek().execute(); } public void undo(){ if(!undoCommandStack.isEmpty()){ redoCommandStack.push(undoCommandStack.peek()); ((Undo)(undoCommandStack.pop())).undo(); }else{ System.out.println("Nothing to undo"); } } public void redo(){ if(!redoCommandStack.isEmpty()){ redoCommandStack.pop().redo(); }else{ System.out.println("Nothing to redo"); } } }
public class CommandDesignPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { CommandManager commandManager = new CommandManager(); Notepad notepadReceiver = new Notepad("Notepad, how are you?"); Wordpad wordpadReceiver = new Wordpad("Wordpad, how are you?"); //COPY Command copyCommand2 = new CopyCommand("good"); commandManager.setCommand(copyCommand2); commandManager.execute(); //PASTE Command pasteCommand = new PasteCommand(wordpadReceiver, ((CopyCommand)copyCommand2).getCopiedData()); commandManager.setCommand(pasteCommand); commandManager.execute(); //CUT Command copyCommand1 = new CutCommand(notepadReceiver, 2, 5); commandManager.setCommand(copyCommand1); commandManager.execute(); //UNDO System.out.println("\nUndo::"); commandManager.undo(); System.out.println("Undo::"); commandManager.undo(); //REDO System.out.println("\nRedo::"); commandManager.redo(); System.out.println("Redo::"); commandManager.redo(); } }
Real World Example.
Resturant is a classic example of Command Pattern.
Customer(Invoker) is not aware of Chef(Receiver) and they communicate via Waiter(Command Manager) by giving Menu Name(Commands) to them.
Customer doesn't need to know how to communicate directly with Chef.
Command Design Pattern used in JDK API.
java.lang.Runnable interface exhibits Command design pattern.
Thread pools
- A typical, general-purpose thread pool class might have a public addTask() method that adds a work item to an internal queue of tasks waiting to be done.
- It maintains a pool of threads that execute commands from the queue.
- The items in the queue are command objects.
- Typically these objects implement a common interface such as java.lang.Runnable that allows the thread pool to execute the command even though the thread pool class itself was written without any knowledge of the specific tasks
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Enjoy !!!!
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