Insert Node in Binary Tree and Java Program to add a Node in Binary Tree

Insert Node in Binary Tree

Let's see how to Insert node in Binary Tree in Java and Java Program to add a Node in Binary Tree. For adding a node, start scanning a Binary Tree level by level and wherever we encounter vacant position, place a new Node there.

See below image to get better understanding of position of a new Node to insert.
Given a binary tree, we need to add a Node with value 8 marked in dotted lines below in its correct position.

All post below contain examples of adding a Node in Binary tree using different approach,

Java Program to insert a Node in Binary Tree and not a Binary Search Tree?

package javabypatel;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

public class AddNodeInBinaryTree {
 private Node rootNode;

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  new AddNodeInBinaryTree();

 public AddNodeInBinaryTree(){

  addNodeInBinaryTree(rootNode, 1); 
  addNodeInBinaryTree(rootNode, 2); 
  addNodeInBinaryTree(rootNode, 3); 
  addNodeInBinaryTree(rootNode, 4); 
  addNodeInBinaryTree(rootNode, 5); 


 //Iterative way of adding new Node in Binary Tree.
 private void addNodeInBinaryTree(Node rootNode, int data){
   // No Nodes are Present, create one and assign it to rootNode
   this.rootNode = new Node(data);
   //Nodes present, So checking vacant position for adding new Node in sequential fashion 
   //Start scanning all Levels (level by level) of a tree one by one until we found a node whose either left or right node is null.
   //For each and every node, we need to check whether Left and Right Node exist? 
   //If exist, then that node is not useful for adding new node but we need to store left and right node of that node for later processing 
   //that is why it is stored in Queue for sequential placement.
   //If not exist, then we found a node, where new node will be placed but not sure on left or right, so check which side is null and place new node there.

   Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();
    Node node = q.poll();

    if(node.getLeft()!=null && node.getRight()!=null){
      node.setLeft(new Node(data));
      node.setRight(new Node(data));

 private void printTreeLevelOrder(Node rootNode) {

  Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();
   Node node = q.poll();
   System.out.print(node.getData() + " ");




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Enjoy !!!! 

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